Aug 16, 2010

Resurrection to Natural Plane

Nine accounts of resurrection back to natural plane

1. 1 Kings 17:22 - Son of widow of Zarephath (Elijah)
2. 2 Kings 4:35 - Son of the Shunammite (Elisha)
3. 2 Kings 13:21 - Dead man touching Elisha's bones
4. Matt 9:25, Mark 5:42, Luke 8:55 - Jairus' daughter (Lord)
5. Luke 7:15 - Son of widow of Nain (Lord)
6. John 11:44 - Lazarus (Lord)
7. Matt 27:52 - Saints at the Lord's death
8. Acts 9:40 - Dorcas (Peter)
9. Acts 20:12 - Eutychus (Paul)

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