Aug 16, 2010

The Historical Passover of the Scripture

The word "passover" occurs 49 times in the Old Testament, 28 times in the New Testament and a total of 77 times in the Holy Bible.

1. The Egyptian Passover (Exo 12) - Rescue from Slavery
2. The Wilderness Passover (Num 9) - Remembrance of Deliverance
3. Joshua's Passover (Jos 5) - Reassurance of Victory
4. Hezekiah's Passover (2 Chr 30) - Restoration from Backsliding
5. Josiah's Passover (2 Chr 35) - Recovery based on the Word
6. Zerubabbel's Passover (Ezra 6) - Return from Captivity
7. The Saviour's Passover (Luke 22) - Redemption for the World

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